AIPH University, Bhubaneswar has successfully celebrated Tuberculosis day on 24th March 2024 at the University campus. The program was chaired by vice-chancellor Prof. Usha Agrawal, AIPH University, registrar Dr. P Prasant, Prof Padan Kumar Jena, Dean, School of Biological Sciences and Prof. Pradip Panda, Dean, School of Public Health.
Meeting was started with the welcome address by Prof. Usha Agrawal. Then the gathering was addressed by Prof Padan Kumar Jena, followed by Prof. Pradip Panda. The meeting was attended by students as well as by teaching and non-teaching staffs of the University.
Vice-chancellor Prof. Usha Agrawal, highlighted the importance of tuberculosis prevention pertaining to this year theme. Tuberculosis is a bacterial infection caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis, which primarily affects the lungs and also affect other parts of the body. Maintaining proper hygiene is the first step towards its prevention, along with vaccination which will give long term protection against the infection. Prof. Pradip Panda and Prof. Padan Kumar Jena, enlightened the gathering about the trend, epidemiology, facts and figures related to the spread of infection in India and worldwide.
The programme was extensively carried out through participation of interested students in digital poster competition and group quiz competition, related to this year’s theme for Tuberculosis day. The results of the digital poster competitions was evaluated by Prof. Pradip Panda, Prof Padan Kumar Jena and Dr. Padmaja Mahalaxmi. The quiz competition was evaluated by the performance of participated groups. Followed by a skit play by group of senior students regarding the theme. Finally the programme was ended with the vote of thanks.